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Why Businesses Should Invest in the Community Diamond Innovation Network (CDIN)

by Katherine Liddell

Engaging in the Community Diamond Innovation Network (CDIN) presents a unique opportunity for businesses to align their operations with key Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, while simultaneously contributing to transformative changes in community health. Here’s why your involvement is not only beneficial for the community but also makes sound business sense:

Enhancing Reputation and Customer Preference

Consumers today are increasingly conscious of the social and environmental impact of their purchases. According to a Nielsen report, 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands. By participating in CDIN, businesses can enhance their reputation as socially responsible entities, thereby attracting and retaining loyal customers. For example, companies with strong community engagement and health initiatives often see increased brand loyalty, driving higher sales and customer retention rates.

Boosting Employee Well-being and Productivity

Investing in community health directly correlates with improved employee well-being and productivity. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that for every $1 invested in employee wellbeing programmes, companies can expect a $4 return in reduced healthcare costs and increased productivity. Furthermore, companies with robust health and wellbeing programmes report a 21% increase in employee engagement. Healthier employees mean reduced absenteeism and higher overall productivity, making a compelling case for businesses to support community health initiatives through CDIN.

Fostering Innovative Collaborations

Participating in CDIN opens the door to innovative collaborations that can drive business growth. Successful examples include partnerships where companies, health and community organisations and academia co-create products or services that address health needs, leading to new market opportunities. By engaging with CDIN, businesses can be at the forefront of innovations, leveraging community insights to develop impactful solutions. These collaborations can drive business growth and create new market opportunities by leveraging technology for community health.

Improving ESG Compliance and Reporting

Active involvement in CDIN can significantly enhance a company’s ESG performance. Improved ESG scores are not just beneficial for compliance but also attract investors who are increasingly prioritising sustainability. A study by BlackRock found that companies with better ESG performance had a 14% higher return on investment. By integrating health initiatives within their ESG strategies, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility, thereby appealing to both consumers and investors.

Achieving Sustainable Impact

Businesses that support CDIN contribute to long-term, sustainable health improvements in the community. Public health studies show that preventative health initiatives can lead to a significant reduction in chronic diseases and lower healthcare costs. Moreover, aligning CDIN activities with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), underscores the global importance of these efforts. This alignment not only benefits the community but also enhances the global standing and impact of participating businesses.


By integrating technology, fostering relationships, and focusing on health, the Community Diamond Innovation Network offers a scaffold for businesses to contribute meaningfully to community health while reaping substantial business benefits. This initiative not only helps in building healthier communities but also aligns with the strategic goals of businesses, ensuring a sustainable and profitable future.


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