Wow, is it March already? Spring is almost upon us, and the DSxHE community is all ready to blossom. No, really - we have some rather exciting news...
Ignition sequence start. 6, 5, 4, ...
We are thrilled to announce that our official launch event 'Health Equity: What has Data Science ever done for us?' will be taking place on Thursday 7th April. This will be a hybrid event so you can join from anywhere in the world, and we have a super fun programme lined up for you. Oh and by the way, our team mascot Sir Michael Marmot will be making an appearance too.
Return of the Download After a little break in February, the Download continues! This month, we're very lucky to have Karen Hodgson and Sobia Raza leading discussions on inclusive data and the dangers of data colonialism. Join us on Tuesday 8th March at 6pm GMT.
We have a veritable classic for our Data Viz of the Month: a map by John Snow credited with ending the 1854 London cholera outbreak. For this edition's Member Spotlights, we're delighted to introduce you to DSxHE co-founder Brieuc Lehmann and this month's Download host Karen Hodgson.
Keep scrolling for the DSxHE Digest, this month's highlights from the DSxHE Library. We've also got your handy breakdown of upcoming events, job opportunities, resources and funding calls from across the community.
The DSxHE Team
And on today's menu....
News from DSxHE
Upcoming DSxHE Events Launch event

That's right - our official launch event is taking place on the 7th April! Join us to brainstorm, debate and discuss what data science can *really* do for health equity. This event is being run as a hybrid event (London + virtual) with opportunities to meet wonderful members of the DSxHE community in-person and online. You'll be tasked with tackling a problem posed by a panel of some of the best and brightest in data science and health equity. AND if you're still not excited enough, we're thrilled to announce that the Sir Michael Marmot will be joining us too.
The Download

Join us for The Download, our regular monthly virtual community space to discuss podcasts, articles, papers and more, amongst likeminded members of the DSxHE community! This month we'll be hearing from Sobia Raza, who'll be speaking on The Dangers of Data Colonialism in Precision Public Health, a short commentary by Kadija Ferryman, and Karen Hodgson, who will be inviting discussion about the Inclusive Data Taskforce recommendations, and what they mean in relation to health data.
The event is open to anyone, anywhere, no matter your level of experience or background. Join us on Tuesday 8th March at 6pm (GMT).
Member Spotlights

Karen Hodgson (she/her)
Programme Lead
Public Health Wales

Brieuc Lehmann (he/him) Assistant Professor
University College London
The Digest
Public human microbiome data are dominated by highly developed countries R. Abdill, E. Adamowicz, R. Blekhman This analysis of human microbiome samples from the world's three largest genomic data repositories finds that more than 71% of samples come from Europe, the US and Canada. The authors report that Central and southern Asia was the most underrepresented region, highlighting the critical need to ensure more global representation of participants in microbiome studies.
A Taxonomy for AI / Data for Good J. Porway & This landscape maps out efforts to apply data for good, seeking to group initiatives by their goals and strategies. In doing so, Porway hopes to provide some clarity to the well-worn phrases 'AI for good' and 'data for good', so that funders and NGOs can be more strategic in their investments and collaborative exercises. Feedback and input is welcome as the list of initiatives is by no means exhaustive. Contribute here.
Want to see all the articles, podcasts, papers, blogs, videos, funding calls, events and training opportunities that have been shared across the DSxHE Slack workspace?
Data Viz of the Month

A classic from 1854 by 'founding father of epidemiology' John Snow. This map shows cholera cases in London clustering around the Broad Street water pump (which you can see annotated in the middle of the map if you really squint, or just zoom in). The visualisation was so convincing that the local council removed the well pump handle - the cholera outbreak duly ended shortly after.
Call for events
Do you have an idea for an event that might be relevant to the DSxHE community? We have a fantastic (and growing) team of volunteers itching to help you plan, organise and promote it.
Call for themes
Want to shine a light on a specific area of interest in data science and health equity, and want to tap into the DSxHE community? Setting up a DSxHE Theme might be just the thing for you.
Call for partners
We looking for partners to help build the community and support our activities. Four different types of partnerships are available - core, theme, event, and media.
News from the Community
Upcoming events
Here's a few external events coming up in the next month that might float your boat. If there's an event you'd like to highlight on a future edition of this newsletter, then post in on #events on our Slack workspace or get in touch.
Stanford Health Policy's Health Equity Lecture Series. Begins 11th March 2022, 12noon PST
British Heart Foundation Data Science Centre Research Showcase 16th March 2022, 10am to 4pm GMT
InSilicoUK Network launch, co-created with the Royal Academy of Engineering, the British Standards Institute, the Association of British HealthTech Industries, the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, and techUK. 22nd March 2022 1.30pm - 5pm GMT.
Local Government Association and Association of Directors of Public Health annual conference. Open and free to all, stellar line-up of speakers. 23rd & 24th March 2022.
Funding calls
We've rounded up some highlights below - come and join our Slack channel to keep updated with the latest funding opportunities.
Invitation to Tender: A Review into Ethnic Health Inequalities in Precision Medicine and the Future of Healthcare. NHS - Race and Health Observatory. Deadline close of play 7th March 2022.
Job opportunities
Looking for your next career move or project? We'll bring you a rundown of new roles and opportunities to further health equity through data science. If you're looking to find the next bright star in your team, share your advert with the community on Slack:
Senior Data Manager - Networked Data Lab, The Health Foundation. £57,368 - £62,020 per annum. Fixed term contract to June 2023. Deadline 6th March 11:59pm GMT.
PhD studentships: The Makerere University Data Science Research Training Program to Strengthen Evidence-Based Health Innovation, Intervention, and Policy. Deadline 15th March 2022 6pm EAT.
Senior Analytical Manager, The Health Foundation. £69,321 per annum, maternity cover contract until May 2023. Deadline 16th March 2022 11:59pm GMT
Seven PhD Studentships at the Department of Statistical Science at University College London. Deadline 16th March 2022.
Scientific Lead for the Diverse Data programme, Genomics England. Join the Diverse Data programme on a flexible basis (1 to 4 days per week), to play a consultative key role in shaping and supporting the delivery of the programme’s scientific and analytical strategies. This is a 3 -12 month fixed term contract.