The inaugural DSxHE organisers' and supporters' meeting took place this week, bringing together an awesome collection of people from all across the data science and health spectrum. The purpose of the meeting was partly to share some initial plans and ideas for DSxHE (including the various ways to get involved) but more importantly to hear from those in the virtual room
1) what are the pressing questions that need answering in this space? and;
2) what activities should DSxHE be running?
Read on for all of the superb suggestions that came up for both these questions, and to find out about the various ways to get involved in growing and shaping the DSxHE community ⬇️
After a whirlwind round of introductions from a wonderfully diverse set of attendees (including clinicians, consultants, CEOs, software engineers, researchers, and more!), we assembled on a Google jamboard to ponder what topics and activities the DSxHE community should aim to cover...
What questions surface when you think of 'Data Science for Health Equity'?

We almost ran out of space on this jamboard, showing the range of perspectives at hand. Here were some of the recurring themes:
What is health equity?
How do we identify inequity and its determinants?
Who are the key stakeholders and how should we engage with them?
What are the current data gaps and how should we fill them?
How do we ensure data-based solutions benefit everyone?
What activities would you like to see from DSxHE (and why)?

These ranged from a party with Michael Marmot (wait, what?!), to funding opportunities, public engagement activities, Meetups, bookclubs and newsletters.
So how can you get involved?
Become an organiser
Host a one-off event/series
Host your project in DSxHE
Get involved on Slack/social media
Become an organiser
1-2 hours a week between now and January 2022
Attend a 30 min fortnightly meeting
Roles include (but are not limited to):
Event support
Social media & comms
Resource curation/research
General extra pair of hands!
First meeting (if you can make it) is 18th October at 5:30 GMT
Host a one-off event/series
Take the design lead for a DSxHE event (online or in person)
Can be co-branded
Work with other members of DSxHE to deliver
Host your project in DSxHE
Are you working on a project/company/programme of relevance to the DSxHE community?
Might your work be augmented by working with other members of the DSxHE community?
DSxHE projects for now are external (but we would hope would come from within soon!)
Get involved on Slack/social Media
Post articles/events/general info on the Slack workspace and actively contribute
Send the Slack link to your colleagues, friends and family
Use the #DSxHE hashtag and tag us where relevant (@DS_x_HE)
Get in contact via the form or even better, join our Slack workspace and message Brieuc Lehmann and Maxine Mackintosh to get involved!
PS Michael Marmot said he was happy to be our mascot....
